+94 75 530 8305
#13 Main Street Batticaloa

House for Sale in Matale Town (Two Stories House)



  • Attached Bathroom
  • Bed Room
  • Deed Land
  • Electricity
  • Hall
  • Kitchen
  • Line Water
  • Near to Main Road
  • Parking
  • Upstairs


House for Sale in Matale Town (Two Stories House)

Location : Matale City (Godapola) Zahira College, Amina School, Town in Walking distance. (5min)

  • perch 8.3
  • 2 stories (2nd store incomplete)
  • 3 Bedrooms
  • 2 bathrooms & kitchen.
  • Zinnakkara Land Calm and peaceful environment.
  • Space for Gardening
  • Parking.
  • Contact: 07745344003
House for Sale in Matale Town
House for Sale in Matale Town
  • ID: 4734
  • Published: March 16, 2024
  • Last Update: March 16, 2024
  • Views: 128
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